Franklin Civil War Round Table

About twenty years ago Greg Wade, a long-time advocate for preservation and battlefield reclamation, took it upon himself to create the Franklin Civil War Roundtable (FWCRT).  Over time, Greg's vision turned into one of the most successful Roundtable groups in the country.  A wide range of speakers covered an even wider range of topics over the two decades.  In 2024, Greg and BoFT CEO Eric A. Jacobson began discussing the future of the Roundtable and it seemed like a logical fit to have the Trust take over the mechanics of the Roundtable.

That brings us to now and a new era for the FWCRT.  Some things will change, but many things will remain the same.  Meetings will continue to be held a 3 pm on the second day Sunday of each month, for the most part.  Topics will expand, and we will have some meetings on Thursday evenings.  In addition, the Roundtable has always had its own membership.  That will change and all BoFT members will automatically become Roundtable members going forward.  However, all Roundtable members will be converted to became BoFT members for 2025.  After that, Roundtable members will renew their membership through the BoFT.

Who will replace Greg?  The short answer is no one can.  However, Jeff Williams will become the face and primary organizer of the Roundtable. You will also see Eric from time to time, and you will continue to see Kristi Farrow or Jenny Peach on Sundays, along with other BoFT staff. 

We are excited about what the future has in store.  The February 9 meeting will be held at Carnton's Fleming Center and will be all about the transition and the future.  Eric and Jeff will be there to answer any and all questions!  The first official Roundtable presentation will follow in March, as Eric will discuss his new book about Rippa Villa and the Cheairs family.

We have some great speakers lined up for the rest of the year, with some more slots to fill.  We look forward to seeing you on Sunday afternoons!

Upcoming dates: 

March 9 - Eric Jacobson - The Cheairs Family and Rippa Villa

April 13 - Dan Masters - The Battle of Stones River

May 15 - Joanna Stephens (tentative Carter House visitor and museum)
*note this is a Thursday evening program at 5:30 pm instead of Sunday, which is Mother's Day

June 8 - To Be Announced

July 13 - Steven Thomas - The Medal of Honor

August 10 - Dr. Chris Williamson - When the Dream Became a Nightmare

September 14 - Sam Elliott - TBD

October 12 - Tom Price - Maury County in the Civil War

November 9 - Dave Powell and Eric Jacobson - Influence of the Atlanta Campaign and Gen. Hood on the Tennessee Campaign

December 14 - To Be Announced